Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Record Store Tales

Joan Jett's Bad Reputation LP, i remember buying this at my local Record store at the time and having the clerk (who always seemed just a wee bit stoned) asking me "Is she any good?" I told him yes she was, this was before Joan had had a hit and not long after the Runaways had burned out. I wonder if he ever listened to her, store closed not long after and a Turtles opened up nearby.

Car Of The Week

1957 Chevy Bel Air Coupe

Monday, May 30, 2011

Atomic Beach Party Volume One! (2001)

The perfect disc for all your radiated fun in the nuclear winter sun beach party from Abominable Records.
What, you've never heard of this album or that record company? Well of course you haven't it was my own computer based record company and we never sold a single cd or would have since i would have never sold any discs, i made copies of another Abominable Records cd ( i wonder if they still have their copies?). Abominable Records only existed from 199 to 2001 i believe. I just ripped some tracks off Atomic Beach Party that i didn't have on this computer and gave me this idea for a post.
Here's the track list :
Beach Boys - Fun Fun Fun
Donnas - School's Out
Cramps - Bikini Girls With Machine Guns
Ventures - Walk Don't Run
Shonen Knife - Banana Chips
Ghastly Ones - Surfin' Spooks
Smashmouth - Walking on The Sun
Go-Go's - Surfin' and Spying
Annette - Beach Party
Chantays - Pipeline
Dickies - Tricia Toyota
Pyramids - Penetration
Tornadoes - Bustin' Surfboards
Sakura & The Quests - My Boy Lollipop
Surf Punks - My Beach
Pixies - Wave Of Mutilation
? and the Mysterians - 96 Tears
Surfaris - Wipe Out
Descendents - Wendy
Beachnuts - Cycle Annie
Blondie - Love At The Pier
Astronauts - The Hearse
Ramones - Surfin' Safari
Shatners - He's Dead Jim
Annette & the Beach Boys - Monkey's Uncle
Dick Dale - Miserlou
Trashmen - Surfin' Bird
Belairs - Mr. Moto
Ramones - Sheena Is A Punk Rocker
Lively Ones - Surf Rider

I think that was pretty good line up and mix of songs, from surf rock to punk rock. The Beachnuts tune is rare - it's Lou Reed from the early 60's when he was pop song writer before VU.
Volume 2 would have had the Shaggs "My Pal Foot Foot" and Sloppy Seconds "Horror Of Party Beach" to name a couple.
It seems the time of homemade cd are gone now.

Memorial Day

Remember those who fought and died so that everyone could have freedom and thier civil rights, honor them by protecting the rights and freedom of all Americans.

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Just seeing if i can post again. Blogger for some reason wouldn't let me log in this week.

This has only been a test, we now return you to your regular programming...

Friday, May 20, 2011

Becca's Art

Here's another original and great piece of art from Becca. Look to the right in the "Blog List" to find No Smoking In The Skull Cave where you can comission and buy Becca Art!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The 1960's

They say if you remember the 60's you weren't there (meaning everyone was stoned out of their heads), not so!
I remember the 60's but i was a kid and have great memories of a Hurricane that hit us directly here in St. Augustine, the Beatles on the Ed Sullivan Show, great tv shows like the Avengers Man From UNCLE Batman The Prisoner (that really warped my childhood mind and i've never been the same) and the music, there was so many varieties to hear then, you had surf rock, Motown, Pop, British Invasion, country, bubble gum, folk, great movie scores and then into the 70's when i became a teenager and all angsty there was HEAVY METAL and later punk.
Oh i would go back to the 60's if i could.Yes there were bad things also, race riots and the Vietnam war to name two (got some stories about growing up in the south back then but that's for another post). I love the 60's also because i learned to read and had comic books and REAL BOOKS...none this e-book crap, no siree!
Waxing nostalgic big time.

Make Love Not War.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Upstairs Downstairs

Upstairs Downstairs, one of my favorite shows ever. Nothing makes the old dragon here happier than watching an episode of the series. Can't really explain why i love the show so much but it's like the Avengers and Doctor Who, i just loved it from the start.
And they're making new episodes with Rose as the only returning cast member.

Monday, May 16, 2011

E Banana Birthday

It just dawned on me, the Eclectic Banana is 2 years old this month.

Time flies.

Cramps Monday

can't disappoint a Cramps fan


it's amazing how ego destroying blogs online are. no one really cares what your opinion or thoughts are and really you have to be a bit full of yourself to start one. i think this blog has been a failure do to my increasing apathy and lack of contact with anyone. even tumblr has become an emotional draining land of emptiness but then it always has been, i just didn't see it. Yeah i started this blog for the same reason i joined Live Journal,MySpace,Tumblr and other long dead blogs to meet people and get a give and take conversation going. i should be drunk tonight but i don't drink.
Thankyou to the people who have enjoyed and have commented to me, i really appreciate it.
throwing in the towel.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

O. K. Cal

I've sent the Cat Ninjas!

Friday, May 13, 2011


Blogger is back up and it looks like trying to catch up on blog posts is a bit hard with a lot of them missing.
It's not like it's the 21st Century or anything...